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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Local Dinner

Today was a great day! I made 2 homemade pot pies, one with tofu (I'm a vegetarian) and the other with chicken. Each have local ingredients from the Harrisonburg area including potatoes from the Wednesday Farmer's Market, organic basil from the Shenandoah Growers basil plant I have growing in my room and organic garlic cloves. As a side we had corn on the cob, also from the JMU Farmer's Market and a salad with tomatoes from Woods Edge Farm. Below is a picture of how the two pot pies turned out:

On my way home from the grocery store today I walked past a pear tree about 100 yards from my apartment which I never knew was there. So I grabbed a pear from the tree and brought it back to the apartment to share with my roommates. The pear was so awesome I went back to the tree and picked about 10 pears which I brought to our neighbors upstairs and shared with my roommates as well. Casey and I agreed that it was the best pear each of us has had. The best thing is that the pear tree is within walking distance and has no pesticides, GMO's or waxed skin and the pears are free! 

I'll keep you posted on how this upcoming week goes as I continue to go local!



  1. You are on the right track!
    Best Regards~

  2. Most delicious Chicken-pot-pie I have ever tasted!
